The 2022 Indian web series *Mithya* is a psychological thriller that aired on Zee5. Directed by Rohan Sippy, it stars Huma Qureshi as Juhi Adhikari, a college professor, and Avantika Dassani in her debut role as Rhea Rajguru, a student entangled in a web of lies and manipulation. The plot centers around a complex rivalry between Juhi and Rhea that spirals out of control, leading to accusations of plagiarism, deception, and psychological warfare. Juhi initially tries to discipline Rhea for alleged academic misconduct, but this attempt backfires as Rhea challenges her, triggering a suspenseful clash with severe consequences. The series explores the blurred lines between truth and deception, raising questions about morality and power dynamics.
*The Darker Chapter*, a recent follow-up, deepens this rivalry, featuring new twists and a third character, Amit Chaudhary, who accuses Juhi of plagiarism, intensifying her turmoil. The layered narrative and strong performances, particularly by Qureshi and Dassani, keep viewers hooked with suspense and unexpected revelations.
*Watch Mithya* is available for streaming on Zee5, making it ideal for fans of intense psychological dramas filled with suspense and moral ambiguity.
A tale of two women who are at odds with each other over allegations of plagiarism, which sparks a series of hostilities and shocking revelations spun around a murder for which they both are suspects.
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