*Once Upon Two Times* is a 2023 Indian romance drama directed by Sonakshi Mittal. The film centers on a young couple, Ahaan and Ruhi, who learn that their parents—played by Sanjay Suri and Mrinal Kulkarni—had a romantic past. As they attempt to understand and heal their parents’ old wounds, Ahaan and Ruhi confront challenges in their relationship, testing their own commitment. This parallel storyline offers a mix of humor and family drama, exploring how generational relationships can impact current ones.
Produced by Shashi Sumeet Productions, the movie stars Anud Singh Dhaka, Kashish Khan, and Nitesh Pandey, alongside Suri and Kulkarni. The film premiered on ZEE5 in December 2023, and its soundtrack, composed by Rajat Tiwari, has become a popular part of its appeal.
You can stream *Once Upon Two Times* on ZEE5 to watch the entire story unfold. For more detailed information, please visit ZEE5 or Wikipedia.
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